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All Your Essential Chiropractic Questions Answered!

Essential Elements Lotion FAQ

We are very excited about our Essential Elements Lotion. You may have noticed that the more excited we get, the more we talk about it. And all that talking has generated some great questions!
So, without further ado … the Essential Elements FAQ!

What is Essential Elements Lotion?

It is a lotion developed after many years of research to support manual therapy at the neurochemical level. Simply put, Dr. Evans, creator of the PulStar, did some research that you can read about here, which determined that pain begins on the cellular level with the failure of a cell’s calcium pump. When the pump fails, it keeps the muscle from relaxing, which causes pain.
Essential Elements Lotion is Dr. Evans’ solution to this problem, meaning it does more than just temporarily mask pain. It was made to support the normal function of the calcium pump, which leads to muscle relaxation and provides relief.

What can Essential Elements Lotion be used for?

Essential Elements was designed to provide neurochemical support to manual chiropractic therapy. Essential Elements lotion can be used to help relieve the pain of musculoskeletal conditions such as back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain and more.

Is it a drug?

Unlike other topical analgesics or freezing lotions that are classified as drugs, Essential Elements is a supplement. You can safely use Essential Elements lotion during appointments and/or recommend the lotion for patient self-application between visits.

What does the formulation feel like for patients?

The new formula is unscented and becomes invisible on the skin when applied, leaving only a slight cooling sensation.

Has it been tested?

Essential Elements Lotion has been clinically tested and dermatologically approved. In fact, we are currently in the process of testing it in a chiropractic practice setting with the help of some of our loyal PulStar doctors. We hope this current test will help us determine some of the marketing and operational steps we need to take to ensure that DCs can deliver better treatment and more to their bottom lines with Essential Elements.
Click here to read what people were saying about Essential Elements Lotion after one of our clinical studies.

How can I try it?

If you want to ask questions or try Essential Elements Lotion, please contact us today.
If you have more questions about Essential Elements Lotion, join the conversation below!
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Picture of Christian Evans

Christian Evans

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