The PulStar Blog

2018 PulStar Seminar Recap

The Annual PulStar™ Seminar was held on April 21, 2018 in Pittsburgh, Pa., and a large group of both PulStar DCs and newcomers flew in from all over the country to attend. Like past years, this year’s seminar included a presentation on PulStar protocols by Dr. Stevan Walton (scroll to the bottom of the page for more details), but new this year was a chiropractic marketing presentation and an introduction from Dr. Evans, PulStar founder, about the recent PulStar clinical studies with outstanding results from Poland and China. Get our full research bundle to learn more—or, if you are a PulStar DC, use the bundle to show your patients how you use evidence-based chiropractic.

Also new this year was the opportunity for storytelling. DCs shared their stories about how the PulStar transformed their practice and the incredible impact it has had on their patients. One such patient was Christian Evans, PulStar President, who tells his story in the video below.

Don’t want to miss out next year? Subscribe to our email newsletter to have Seminar information delivered directly to your inbox. Submit your information in the box on the right.

Below are the protocol levels for the PulStar that were discussed at the seminar:

Level I – Basic Protocol

Introduces the skills necessary for efficient use of the PulStar instrument including calibration, operating the instrument and the basics of the Analyze and Adjust modes.

Level II – Positional Adjusting

Defines how to pre-position the patient to enhance the spinal analysis and the adjusting impulse.

Level III – Asymmetrical Adjusting

Adds variations in instrument-head techniques to provide highly specific adjustments.

Level IV – Extremity and Soft Tissue Adjusting

Gentle solutions for sciatica, carpal tunnel and more.

Level X – Supplemental Approaches

How to use the PulStar to aid in neurological and biomechanical problems as well as how to combine protocols.

To learn more about PulStar protocols or try the PulStar for yourself, click here to schedule a free screen-share demo today!

Picture of Christian Evans

Christian Evans

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