The PulStar Blog

Preventing Injuries as a Chiropractor

How to avoid becoming part of the 47% of doctors that have an injury

Being a doctor of chiropractic gives you the wonderful opportunity to help patients reach better, healthier futures. It’s a rewarding career built around healing, and that’s hard to top in a job.

Unfortunately, it comes at a cost. Chiropractors rely heavily on their bodies to help others recover from their physical ailments. The wear and tear placed on a chiropractor’s body, especially over the course of a career, can be significant and result in injury.

When a doctor of chiropractor suffers physically, it is not just their body that feels the pain. The practice and patients can feel the fallout. Injuries that limit your ability to provide your patients with the service they need and deserve are devastating to them and your business.

So, how do you avoid becoming part of the 47% of chiropractors that reported an injury that could limit their ability to effectively manually adjust their patients?

The Manual Adjustment Dilemma

Manual adjustment is a staple of chiropractic practice, and for good reason. It is proven, versatile, and just about every doctor of chiropractic learns to be adept in this integral skill. However, it can be quite hard on a chiropractor’s body, especially as the sessions and years accumulate over the course of a career.

Of the chiropractors who responded to a recent survey, 53% reported experiencing no pain or fatigue that negatively affected their ability to manually adjust patients. While good news, the downside of this number is that 47% of respondents reported otherwise. 38% reported that they sometimes have pain and fatigue that limits them, and 7% said they frequently experience such problems.

In other words, a huge percentage of chiropractors experience injuries and fatigue that hold them back when performing manual adjustments. This can shorten their career, hurt their practice, and leave their patients without proper treatment. It’s a common and serious issue.

Save Your Back with Visualized Instrument Adjusting

Manual adjusting is an irreplaceable skill that should be in your chiropractic repertoire. Supplementing this physically demanding technique with visualized instrument adjusting, however, provides you and your patients with some incredible benefits.

Visualized instrument adjusting is appealing to patients, as it is viewed as cutting edge and gentler than traditional manual adjustment. As such, it is a tremendous way to invest in your practice and grow your business while offering patients the services that they want.

The advantages of visualized instrument adjusting don’t stop with the patients, though. Doctors of chiropractic can enjoy the benefits of technology by providing an impressive array of treatments while simultaneously preserving their physical health.

Instrument adjusting and multiple impulse therapy facilitate the accurate delivery of force to the precise areas that need adjusting. Better still, they remove the onus from the doctor’s body and place it on the chiropractic tools. Not only does this increase the efficiency of each session, allowing you to see more patients in a set amount of time, but it also protects your body from the tremendous cumulative stress of manual adjusting.

The result is healthier outcomes for you, your patients, and your practice. It’s the quintessential win-win-win.

Physical injury and fatigue are real concerns for doctors of chiropractic, especially as the years of providing manual adjustment add up. With visualized instrument adjustment tools, these issues can be prevented, giving you the opportunity to extend your career and help more patients improve their quality of life.

To learn more about visualized instrument adjusting and how it can help you avoid becoming part of the 47% of chiropractors suffering from injury and fatigue, reach out to us. PulStar is the preeminent name in visualized instrument adjusting, thanks to its superb product suite, unparalleled customer service, and reputation for being on the cutting edge of chiropractic innovation. With a little guidance from our experts, you’ll be on your way to a longer, healthier career.

Picture of Christian Evans

Christian Evans

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