Live 1-on-1 PulStar Chiropractic Equipment Demos
Ask questions live, as you see a custom demonstration of the PulStar on your screen
During your live 1-1 demo you can:
- See a 30-minute demo on your screen (you see the PulStar screen that doctor and patient would see)
- Inquire about how the PulStar will work in scenarios specific to your practice, and/or ask questions real-time
- Learn about pricing and finance options
- Get an additional discount within 30 days of your demo
- Be reassured that there are no strings attached/no obligation

*NCMIC offers year-round financing on the PulStar. Their options are fast and easy, with up to 90 days before the first payment and no pre-payment penalties. Section 179 Advanced Depreciation benefits are also available through this program, allowing customers to maximize their tax write-offs. Learn more